
Winning Retail Buyers with Opening Order

Brand Success, Guide

5 feb 2023

Despite the expectation that online sales will double by 2025, brick-and-mortar continues to make up the bulk of total sales. For emerging brands, retail remains an important channel for growing your business.

As a CPG founder, you’re aware of the challenge of getting your product into retail stores — even the independent ones.

Now that Cohere has helped you make it past the first hurdle, there’s still more work to be done to secure your spot.With our experience working with multiple CPG brands, and working as retail owners and buyers, we want to share a few tips on how to win over retail buyers with your first free fill.

  1. Label your shipping boxes carefully.

    You and your team know your brand inside out, but not everyone does.Label your box with your brand name, mention that you are a Cohere partner and sending a sample order. Make sure to note if your product is perishable or fragile. Retailers receive countless packages every day, and they will only remember the ones that make their life easier. 

  2. Create memorable unboxing experience

    Retailers never need flashy graphics or premium shipping, but they do appreciate personal touches that show your passion for your brand.Include personal messages that tell your brand story and offer tips on selling the product. Pack and wrap fragile items carefully, and use sturdy containers to keep your products neat.Make it simple and straightforward for retailers to display your products. 

  3. Support your first order with proper marketing

    Share the news on social media and email blast that your brand is now available in new locations.Encourage your followers to tag both you and the retailers in their posts. Collaborate with other brands and hire influencers to spread the word.Fostering a strong relationship with retailers and showing them support at the beginning, and enjoy complimentary marketing support from all of the partner retailers for the next six month. 

  4. Visit the stores in person, if possible.

    Pick a few of your best-performing stores, and go meet their teams. A personal visit can be a magic moment that inspires them to support you.

    Take the opportunity to get a feel for the space, understand your competition, and be prepared with some advices to drive sales. Most importantly, let the retailers know that you are grateful for their partnership.

    At Cohere, the question we get asked most often is: what is the average conversion rate? The truth is, it really depends on how much you want it.We’ve seen rates as low as 15% and as high as 95%. 

    While our system matches you with stores that have higher potentiality to purchase, it’s your passion and professionalism that will convince them to build a long-term relationship with you.

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